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Join date : 2024-04-04
Age : 25
Location : emotionally i am in boo york city

Astrea Lightwater [Student Application] Empty Astrea Lightwater [Student Application]

Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:23 am
Full Name: Astrea Lightwater
Preferred Name: Raya
Age: 16
Pronouns: She/her
Species: Witch (human ancestry)
Talents, Powers, & Abilities: As a witch, Astrea has a natural affinity for magic. Her strongest affinities are for lunar-related magic, sigils, and the element of wind.

Appearance: Like most witches, Astrea is physically indistinguishable from any ordinary human. Her light skin, dark blue-black hair, and blue eyes are all entirely unassuming; and unlike other human-adjacent monsters, such as werebeasts and vampires, a closer look doesn't betray her ancestry. She often wears fashionable skirts and dresses, and an array of jewelry that often includes moon symbols. The only hint to her witchy scareitage is a silver crescent moon mark on her forehead, which is easily mistaken for jewelry unless you're looking at it closely.
Personality: Astrea is open-minded and excitable, though admittedly somewhat naïve about most of monster society due to being raised in the human world. She's eager to learn new things and make new friends. She's incredibly curious, and tends to take an act first, think later approach to most situations--something that has the capacity to get her into trouble.
History: Astrea was raised by her mother's coven, and while her heritage was never a secret, she spent the vast majority of time firmly in the human world. Upon learning that Monster High existed, she was excited to apply, but her mother was against it due to the similarities between witches and humans and the persecution that witches have often faced from both sides. Now that the school allows human students, her family has reluctantly allowed her to attend.

Education: Sophomore
Returning Student: No
Exchange Student: No (not technically, anyway)
Favorite Subject: Magic History, Philosophy of Screamplay Structure
Least Favorite Subject: Hexonomics
Extracurriculars: Drama Club

Skills (10 points to distribute)
4 Academic
1 Athletic
5 Artistic

Last edited by Ruby on Fri May 31, 2024 8:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posts : 30
Join date : 2024-04-04
Age : 25
Location : emotionally i am in boo york city

Astrea Lightwater [Student Application] Empty Re: Astrea Lightwater [Student Application]

Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:56 pm
Astrea Lightwater is approved!
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